Friday, April 28, 2017

Ode to Spring

Guess What

When I walked out today
I saw a man pursuing the horizon. . . .
Whoops- is there nothing new under the sun?

When I set out today
on my forty-five minute minimum
radical-free vigorous stroll of an arm swinging
deep breathing (and soooo anti-oxidant)
run-on sentence of a walk with no punctuation
you know heaven in a wildflower eternity in a hour
sort of thing

I saw a man absorbed
in eating berries off the branches thin
of an edenic manna-bursting life tree
leaning sideways on the city sidewalk 
all straw hat and eyeglasses, steel-rimmed fox in grapes
just like that other duo Woody Allen & Huckleberry Finn
rolled into one

Gosh. Hadn’t he heard?
Acid rain, pigeon shit, crazed dictators
and other sundry toxins not so fun?

Guess not.


  1. Gosh so many interesting divergent images. Especially like that duo Woody Allen and Huckleberry Finn. Never thought of it before but yes they do belong on the same raft or taxi.
