Sunday, April 12, 2020

Pandemic Poetry 4

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), the great metaphysical poet and literary recluse, voluntarily sheltered in place and treasured her solitude. What greater source of inspiration for surviving the times? Each week during the "stay home" order there will be a post of lines from her work, along with some needed if irreverent updating (and for which I know her lyrical spirit will forgive me).

This is my letter to the world,
  That never wrote to me-
The simple news that Nature told,
  With tender majesty.

This is my post to the readers
who never commented here, 
I know you're there- do you really care,
in the covid nineteen year?  Huh?

Just wondering.


  1. FROM GIL:

    A recent encounter in the street.

    Well HELLO there!!!..........?
    Hi back...............................?
    Is that you?
    Who are you?

  2. Someone approached me on the street recently and being the friendly type, I gave him a smile.
    But to my chagrin, he walked right past me with his eyes averted.
    Some nerve, I thought, then I realized.
    You can't see a smile through a mask!
