The castle, though magical, is somewhat makeshift, constructed of colored, magnetic tiles, the entire edifice
occasionally given to collapsing. These shiny, clicky "building blocks"- in attractive, primary hues for kids- can all fall in on each other if you're not careful about how you touch and maintain the structure. In truth, it all seems for show. The whole house can dissolve in the night even if you are careful. The tiles are pretty but will not hold, especially if you use them to create anything more ambitious or permanent than say a small tower. This can be quite disconcerting to a just about four year old who is counting on these shiny blocks to house her fairy collection.
occasionally given to collapsing. These shiny, clicky "building blocks"- in attractive, primary hues for kids- can all fall in on each other if you're not careful about how you touch and maintain the structure. In truth, it all seems for show. The whole house can dissolve in the night even if you are careful. The tiles are pretty but will not hold, especially if you use them to create anything more ambitious or permanent than say a small tower. This can be quite disconcerting to a just about four year old who is counting on these shiny blocks to house her fairy collection.
The fairies who inhabit this little palace have their issues too. Only five or six inches high- if that- their diaphanous, resplendent costumes actually are painted right onto their little plastic forms (in bright though matte shades)! This necessitates sleeping in the outfits of course, since anyone can see that such apparel simply cannot be removed, ever; in fact, it quite defines them.
As always there is lots of pink among the colors, even in their hair! I never realized (prior to meeting the fairies) that it was possible to sleep in a formal gown each night, no less one permanently attached. But now I know- this can happen.
As always there is lots of pink among the colors, even in their hair! I never realized (prior to meeting the fairies) that it was possible to sleep in a formal gown each night, no less one permanently attached. But now I know- this can happen.
The thoughts, observations and questions of a just about four year old who collects and nurtures tiny fairy dolls- regarding the many complexities of life- are truly amazing. As a member of that indomitable band of small, inquisitive persons not yet half a decade old, she seeks to find answers to a host of metaphysical and scientific perplexities; and in this process of discovery there's a kind of valuable metaphor.
A fairy tale for the ages? Do not build a house to last by using colorful, smooth, and fragile magnetic tiles of undetermined composition; they may be pleasing to look at, clicky sounding and fun, but they're really not all that practical. Never glue your wardrobe to your own self for any reason whatsoever if you intend to change clothes, and finally, demand a solid dwelling with a strong foundation! Who wants to live in a shiny albeit fragile home liable to descend into structural chaos at any moment? If you find yourself in this situation, just rebuild.
The Nootch pondered this complicated situation aloud one recent day- the collapsed castle, the fairies sleeping in their party dresses. Was she trying to reason it out, inside that adorably furrowed, just about four year old (and always thinking) brow, as she related the calamity of the magnetic fairy castle and the little figurines catching some zzzzzs, in their gowns? Didja ever?!? She just had to tell the story. It's the telling that makes it into a kind of sense.
This being the 21st century however, the Nootch utilizes the shiny, magnetic tiles not only to build sheltering homes for the fairies, but also to construct rockets, based on a recent fascination she has with "Lottie" the astronaut doll.
The Nootch pondered this complicated situation aloud one recent day- the collapsed castle, the fairies sleeping in their party dresses. Was she trying to reason it out, inside that adorably furrowed, just about four year old (and always thinking) brow, as she related the calamity of the magnetic fairy castle and the little figurines catching some zzzzzs, in their gowns? Didja ever?!? She just had to tell the story. It's the telling that makes it into a kind of sense.
This being the 21st century however, the Nootch utilizes the shiny, magnetic tiles not only to build sheltering homes for the fairies, but also to construct rockets, based on a recent fascination she has with "Lottie" the astronaut doll.
So much to learn, so little time. . . . It seems like just yesterday she learned that some stories in books are only make believe.
What will the days, weeks and months ahead bring as she heads boldly and inquisitively towards her fifth year?
It's mind boggling. Impossible even to try to imagine.
But however things change or reshape themselves, there will be many more thoughts, puzzles to solve, much curiosity, probable and improbable solutions, fascinating mysteries. . . all occurring everyday, no doubt!
But however things change or reshape themselves, there will be many more thoughts, puzzles to solve, much curiosity, probable and improbable solutions, fascinating mysteries. . . all occurring everyday, no doubt!
Of this you can be certain.
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