Hi Everyone!
I've been writing this goddamn blog regularly every week or two for over half a decade, soaring on flights of fancy from the ridiculous to the sublime, or the reverse, a concept supposedly coined by Tom Paine in "The Age of Reason" in the year 1794.
They didn't have computers back then in the eighteenth century, and I read this "fact"- the Tom Paine attribution- on the internet of course, which means I have no idea if it is indeed accurate, like so many other factoids, beliefs, events, thoughts, dreams, ads, lies, manipulations, errors and other unsubstantiated, flatly stated stuff with which we are bombarded now daily.
But I digress.
Actually, I don't digress.
The purpose of the blog has been to state momentary truths, whether opinion or fiction, and to do it in a thoughtful, entertaining, unique, compelling manner that would make my readers laugh, tear up, grunt, snicker, chuckle, cringe, agree, recognize, think, get their hackles up, be soothed, possibly identify and enjoy.
And I've been enjoying doing that just about every minute!
Even if everyone of you but a precious few does not write back me to with your own thoughts to let me know you are out there, I persevere.
It's okay. Really. I love what I'm doing.
The problem is that I am exceedingly busy this summer and thus am taking a brief hiatus. No doubt I will be back in the fall with all sorts of wry ruminations on present and past adventures.
In the meanwhile, feel free to scroll back a few years and reread some of the stories, poems, essays and posts.
For now though stay cool and check me out again in September. . . .
Happy summer Storyweaver!