They hide things. Small dolls and tiny animal figures, plastic bracelets from the plethora of places that have sprung up and make a small fortune selling little plastic bracelets and sparkly hair things for three year olds.
Three year olds hide bits of things they find on the floor that suddenly seem useful or interesting. And tiny doll's shoes, maybe under a pillow. And tiny dolls.
Conversely, they bestow gifts!
Plastic bracelets, stickers, soft cuddly dolls. . . . See above.
Three year olds try to sound sophisticated and socially adept. They present themselves as incredibly verbal and surprisingly seem to know all sorts of words. But sometimes the inflection is misplaced or the stress falls on the wrong syllable, or perhaps a consonant is mispronounced, or something. . . .
"I have an ideeeah!"
"Dats funneee!"
"Aak-choo-uh-leee. . . . "
"I'm ready, let's doe!"
Yes, maybe they haven't quite mastered the hard "g" yet but they know words like actually and already- and for some reason this freaks me out though I suppose they have to learn these things sometime.
They also like to talk on the phone.
Hi. . . whaddya doo-in?
Three year olds hug you and make you dance with them. Then they twirl, fast!
Sometimes they even can spell their names out loud, quite proudly as a matter of fact.
Yes, this is what they do.
Just thought I'd mention. In case you forgot or maybe were wondering.
Okee, gotta doe now. . . .
