Friday, September 25, 2015

Fall Poetry Fest: On Reading Barbara Pym

When reading Barbara Pym,
the sets are like a scrim;
you see right through the characters,
be it a her or him.

To all the English preachers,
(of whom she cannot say enough),
and all the English teachers,
those learned folk who read her stuff-

I wish that I could write like Pym
of life’s peculiar lots,
I think like Twain but so far sound
like Stephen Dowling Bots.

Twain is to be studied,
Shakespeare is revered,
but when I want to just relax,
to Barbary Pym I’m geared.


  1. I adore Miss Pym! I need her sweet sad smart ladies hopelessly in love with hapless clerics. Just about perfect reading in my estimate. And now I know who Stephen Bots was. Thank you.

  2. Haven't read Miss Pym, but sounds like comfort reading, will put her on my bucket list!
