She hears it on the street, catches the drift from the older
sibs of baby friends, senses it in the
air, left, right, up, down, whoopsy daisy round and round, politics shmalotics!!! She definitely needs a
change- fast- and not just “diaper.” What she’d really like is some screen time
of her very own without having to wait out the rest of the two years in the
screen-less desert that began with her birth as a “precaution” of some sort; for
now she is relegated solely to cutsie board books and other such boringly
innocuous parental choices purportedly designed to protect her tiny though
burgeoning intellect. Hmmmph! She’s really not all that into “smart” at present-
any idiot could see that as she drools and grabs for your eyeglasses, or maybe
an earring- though she’s not above manipulation when she needs to get out of
the stroller. But that’s another story. A girl has to live. You make choices,
you stick by them. It’s time to party.
Through the Gaga Grapevine she’s gathered that there’s this
really cool show called something like “Sissy May Treat” with a furry, funny
blue monster that loves cookies and she’s dying to catch it. There are no doubt
other cool shows too, super cool! But for now, all the screen time in the world
seems to be devoted to adults watching other adults blabbering about shmalotics
and something called the “bee dates” or maybe “dee bates” or perhaps “dee dates” which she
thinks has to do with dried fruit arguing with each other about who should
“run” or be the “candy date.” She can’t wait to run! But first of course she
has to learn how to crawl. Why would any kind of candy “argue” when it’s
just there to be eaten and enjoyed? Okay, she actually hasn’t tasted this goody
yet, but through her contacts she’s heard. . . .
Anyhow, for now she’s just plain sick, sick and tired of the
whole thing, which is why after practically no thought whatsoever she has
decided to run for Baby President. After
she gets them to change the age limit through extensive lobbying and the unswerving
backing of other babies- and just check out any
playground these days if you want to get an idea of her support numbers - the
mainstay of her platform will be simple, direct, a cake walk, literally, occasionally with whipped
cream on top. Her platform? A walk in the park: “Fun! Fun! As much fun as we
can get!!!” The logo will be a set of plastic keys of course. Babies love keys-
it’s a no brainer. She’ll get some onezees made up with her picture. Photo ops
will take place mainly in the bouncer since this definitely is much more fun
than being strapped into the car seat contraption that feels like two
consecutive life sentences in Alcatraz .
It ain’t easy being one of the little people, but with
determination she is sure she can effect change. We concluded the interview
with her nap.
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