Friday, October 22, 2021

Tears Have No Manners

 Tears are the most ballsy of drop in guests.

They never bother to tell you when they’ll pop by and couldn’t care less about whether you’re ready to see them or not, or feel their hot presence. They don’t even try to go with the ruse that all they needed was a cup of sugar at the last minute for a cake they were baking. Tears just barge in without knocking and always seem to sense when you’re home, even when the lights are off.


Never mind they expect you to welcome them in with open arms no matter what you’re doing at that moment, and of course you always comply, because, well, simply put, you really have no choice. They’re impossible to keep out and will not take no for an answer. You wonder why suddenly they are there, and then your reality sets in and you cannot get them to leave. They also have an amazing sixth sense and somehow are aware that you really do not mind them very much, though at times it does feel like they are taking advantage of your hospitality. They plop themselves down, stay for hours at times, and you’re essentially trapped in your house. Entertaining them also can be exhausting, and you can feel quite drained when they leave.


The thing is, there are so many of them! They seem to reproduce at a kind of galactic rate, constantly replenishing their numbers through some strange method of spontaneous reproduction. No matter how fast or thickly they fall into the gravitational pull and eventually evaporate, there are always zillions right behind, just waiting their turn to slide down your cheek.

Moving away will not solve the problem. They are the kind of neighbors who will figure out where you’ve decamped and have the nerve to knock on your door day or night, or basically whenever they feel like it. You probably never will get rid of the tears, so it’s best to try to view them as friends and accept the situation. They may have no shame, but they really are quite attached to you.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Navah Dreams Gilly

 Navah Dreams Gilly Sept. 12, 2021

 Navah had a dream last night and called me excitedly to tell me about it.

She and her parents were visiting New York when she got into the elevator of the building,

She pressed a button, and suddenly found herself lost. The feeling of being lost was a little scary, but then all of sudden she was in our apartment, and Gilly and I were both there. Yes, she repeated, Gilly was there! She felt really happy about this, and safe. Eventually her parents found her.

 Gilly, you were in Navah’s dream and that made her and me exceedingly happy, and so I am telling you because I want you to know this and be happy too. You always said I was the favorite, but you were being diplomatic, as is your fashion and gift. She was, is and always will remain madly in love with you, and I for one am soooooo happy about that. Can’t actually think of a better kind of guy for her to emulate, and if one day her chosen soul mate loves and knows and perhaps even plays music, and maybe can cut a rug too, so much the better!

 About the dream, well of course it operated on several levels. On her last visit here Navah actually did get very temporarily lost in the elevator because she jumped in just as the door was closing and off she went! Is this a ritual for kids who live in New York who all manage to go through it at some point? We yelled to her through the door for her to press the first floor or the “1” button as the car moved away, and then we ran down the stairs to help bring it back down and meet her in the lobby. The doorman, a favorite whom we loved but alas no longer works here, smiled and said that he could see her in the security camera in the elevator, it was coming down to the lobby and would be there in a second. After a very short interlude from the time she entered the elevator, an interval during which she apparently had traveled up a couple of floors, having initially pressed other buttons, she landed on the first floor, the door opened, and there she was miraculously quite okay. There was nary a tear though I did espy a tad of trepidation about the adventure. I think she was rightly a little proud of herself too, she had made it through.

 She also is making it through Gilly, she feels lost at times, and wants us to be together, as we were. But her magical thinking and wish fulfillment dream took care of that nicely last night, if only for a brief moment. It was enough however to be worth repeating in detail to her Lynnie, who always will be there for her; and for Lynnie to keep remembering in her heart and repeating it to Gilly often, and also on the blog for all the world to read and know.